We need test-driven development... but for educational policy. Write the test that will show whether or not your educational policy is working *before* you draft the legislation. #tdd
Big huge congrats to you, @davatron5000 and @chriscoyier, for 500 episodes. The Shop Talk Show helped me launch my web dev career! My pod just reached 50 eps and I thought that was a big number... 500 is an incredible accomplishment! Always such a great resource. https://t.co/zvMmSLlIv8
@sevenbenjisins I once gave him a stuffed platypus at Birdland. He's still very nice about how weird I was.
Went to a conference in high school and Henry Winkler was the keynote. We bumped into him in the crowd and I mumbled some question. Instead of answering, he just reached out his hand, grabbed my cheek, smiled at me for a sec with his hand still on my face, and then walked away. https://t.co/XCnqrLMG8F
@seldo Entertaining to me that people are already doing this, albeit in Scottish swamp land instead of Florida's swamp land: https://t.co/5h1yU3c06b