Twitter Archive @thecityinspeech

Leave it to Meta to "Celebrate Black History Month in VR" by sending this... at 2pm on the very last day of Black History Month? ......??? ............................?????

RT @thejournal_ie: Ireland will waive visa requirements for all Ukrainian people who travel to Ireland following the Russian invasion, the…

Django, MySQL, Digital Ocean if db is required. Jekyll but transitioning to 11ty for bloggy personal stuff.

RT @JuddLegum: 1. This will be a thread of tweets from corporations promoting their impassioned support for LGBTQ rights along with how muc…

@lpolgreen Yup. After living in NYC and the DMV regions, I was spoiled with good, fast, relatively affordable internet. I had to file two FCC complaints just to get Spectrum to provide sorta-kinda-functional internet to my house here in Ohio, and there's no other broadband provider option.

@lpolgreen I'm so annoyed by this that I wrote to my senator about it. He basically smiled and nodded and moved on. It can make one feel rather helpless.

Feel free to DM if that's more comfortable. Bring me all of your best stories! Tales from the early days of the internet are especially welcome, but hit me with whatever you've got!