Chelsea Adams
@SheefGG @jenntacles_ @Xfinity This is *exactly* how my case went with the FCC and replacing a node.
@SheefGG @jenntacles_ @Xfinity This is *exactly* how my case went with the FCC and replacing a node.
Today was a great day because I ✅ did not break productionnnn
@oigtbos Have you read the RPO books? They are fun and nostalgic! Can't described the movie the same way, but I also enjoyed it. But yeah. We don't need THAT!
@gryffyn @earth2io Speaking of all of this, I dunno if this is up your alley or not, but I found Hank Green's books (especially the second one) to be a very interesting way to think through more metaverse-related challenges and dangers. Very fun reads, too.
@gryffyn @earth2io But I also think that the projects along the way to the utopian vision are interesting and important. Gotta start somewhere. I'm a big fan of the Fortnite metaverse. Whatever they're doing, they've got me hooked. E2 looks interesting as well!
@gryffyn @earth2io But I don't want a metaverse that's designed to be a money-making venture at the end of the day. It always becomes a distasteful copy of what's already going on in the real world. I wanna dream bigger!
@gryffyn @earth2io If I could be a god and build a universe, I wouldn't put our economic system or anything like it in the world! I admit I am fully sci fi utopia gay space communist about all of this and that it's difficult to take it seriously as a possible money making venture.
@gryffyn @earth2io I think you've put your finger on what I find distasteful about current metaverse visions. I don't want it to be the same! If I'm crafting an entire world from the fundamental building blocks on up, WHY build in a system where there's a mandatory/work element?
@gryffyn @earth2io Just to clarify, I also enjoy a good video game grind! But I think the reason I like them is that they *distract* from the ever-present worries about having/making enough money that is real life.
@gryffyn @earth2io And this very much comes down to my own preferences. I don't like the daily grind on earth one. I dunno why I'd want anything like it on E2. And I get what you're saying about nothing being free and all, but I'd prefer to be a bit more radical in my vision of the metaverse.